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When Do I Need to Replace My Brakes?

Published on Mar 3, 2023 by Product Expert

A debate regarding the most important part on a vehicle could go on for ages. But we can all agree there are a few parts that stand above the rest. And one of those is your brakes. Without them, well, we don’t need to tell you what could happen. That means you need to keep on top of their maintenance. But since not everyone is a gearhead, it can be hard to know how to do that. To help you out, we came up with a guide on how to know when to replace your brakes.

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Brake Pad Maintenance Tips

One of the easiest ways to make sure your brakes aren’t getting too old and worn down is to keep your ears open. Most brake pads will make a loud screeching noise – like metal scraping on metal – whenever your brake pads are beginning to wear thin. The louder the noise, the more worried you should become.

You’ll also be able to feel your brakes beginning to wear. Not only will stopping become less efficient, you’ll feel your brake pedal and steering wheel vibrate whenever braking. You should get your brakes checked out as soon as you feel these vibrations, especially if they begin to get more and more noticeable.

Keeping an Eye Out for a Problem

Your eyes will be helpful in, well, keeping an eye on things. You may have noticed that your tires are often dusty. This isn’t just because of the roads you drive on. As you use your brakes, brake dust accumulates on your tires. If you see your tires becoming less dusty, this is a sign that your brake pads are beginning to wear out.

You should also be able to see your brake pads through your wheel. It’s best to check them out regularly. As you see them begin to thin, it’s time to think about taking your car in for new brakes, especially if they get down to around a quarter-inch. Some brake pads even have wear indicators to help you know when it’s replacement time. Make sure you know your brake pads so you can stay sufficiently informed.

Here at Brandon Ford in Tampa, Florida, we care about your safety. And since brakes are one of the top safety parts on any vehicle, it’s important to know the ins and outs of their maintenance. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Brandon Ford Service Department. You can also order parts and check out all of our new Ford models right here on our website.

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